
How to Deal with your Dog’s Environmental Allergies

Our dogs can come into contact with all sorts of things in their environment that can potentially cause skin allergies.  A dog’s exposure to things like grass, pollens and mites can sometimes lead on to allergies and these can show up as itchy skin or other skin related problems. Atopy is the term used

How to Deal with your Dog’s Environmental Allergies2019-10-01T17:16:30+13:00

Bella’s back on the beat! How treatment has helped an elderly pet with Heart Disease

Bella is almost 16 years old and about a month ago bounced back from the brink! Bella had been boarding at a local Doggie Daycare while her owners were away. The employees found her one morning listless, dull and dehydrated. She had been terribly ill overnight so they brought her straight into our Bethlehem

Bella’s back on the beat! How treatment has helped an elderly pet with Heart Disease2019-10-01T17:14:22+13:00

Periodontal Disease: take a moment to lift your pet’s lip

Ghillie, the West Highland Terrier recently came to our clinic for a check up and dental examination. Because dogs don’t brush their teeth, bacteria and tarter can build up infecting the gums causing pain, redness, bleeding, damaging gums, ligaments or bone and eventually teeth begin to fall out. Here at VetCare Tauranga we want

Periodontal Disease: take a moment to lift your pet’s lip2019-10-01T17:13:22+13:00

Fishing for a Fish Hook!

Late one night we had a call from a distraught Vet from another local practice. They were faced with a 10 month old Labrador pup that had broken out of his Pukehina Beach home and in the 10 minutes he was on the run, he managed to gobble a tasty morsel……… containing a fish hook!

Fishing for a Fish Hook!2019-10-01T17:12:22+13:00

Toxic Tetanus Emergency!

Amayah is a gorgeous young Springer Spaniel. She visited our Bethlehem clinic to have grass seeds removed from burrowing between her toes. With that problem sorted she was back 48 hours later – lethargic, third eyelids raised and was off food. She had an anaesthetic on the first visit so a blood test to

Toxic Tetanus Emergency!2019-10-01T17:11:06+13:00

VetCare’s Top Tips for Reducing Pet Stress this Halloween and Guy Fawkes

With Halloween and Guy Fawkes just around the corner we wish to provide you loads of tips and tricks to keeping your pets safe and stress-free. It’s only fun if the whole family is having fun, including your pets! With October being Anxiety Awareness Month, you can recieve 20% off anxiety remedies, prescriptions and

VetCare’s Top Tips for Reducing Pet Stress this Halloween and Guy Fawkes2019-10-01T16:57:38+13:00

Lincoln, the Maremma Sheepdog and his knee saving TPLO surgery

The Tibeal Plateau Levelling Osteotomy, TPLO for short, is a specialised surgery to repair the common problem of the ruptured cruciate ligament in the stifle (the knee joint) of dogs. In Tauranga, Dr Campbell Johnston is the only in-house Surgical Consultant to be offering this specialised surgery and VetCare and the pets of Tauranga

Lincoln, the Maremma Sheepdog and his knee saving TPLO surgery2019-10-01T16:50:17+13:00

Rex’s Midnight GDV Emergency

It had been a long day at VetCare, I think I had made it home for maybe 3 hours on my on-call Sunday, very unlike the typically relaxed Sundays following a busy Saturday. I had just been to the clinic to check on my epileptic emergency earlier in the day and while still agitated, there

Rex’s Midnight GDV Emergency2019-10-01T16:48:36+13:00
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