Support Staff
Receptionists are a business’s ambassador for first and last impressions and Debbie is our specialist at VetCare Bethlehem. Debbie has been with our practice for 9 great years. She loves meeting people and their animals that visit our clinic and gets great satisfaction seeing a smile on our clients faces. We are a great team at VetCare and strive to give top quality care to both clients and pets.
Debbie comes from a banking background and has extended herself to achieve qualifications which include the Certificate in Companion Animal Services and National Certificate in Retail from Nelson Marlborough institute of Technology (NMIT)November 2007.
Debbie lives in Te Puna on a life style block with husband Garry and has three adult children, a Bearded Collie dog and 3 cats.
An avid sports woman with a love of snow and water skiing she has received a gold medal in the Women’s Slalom at the Water Ski Nationals in 1998. Debbie’s extracurricular skills don’t end there with a love of Golf, Ten Pin Bowling and is a gym addict at “The Gym” Tauranga (each lunch break!).
Special area of personal development: client experience front reception and displays